November 17, 2023
GPM's Fund-Raising Raises P90K for a Worthy Purpose
GPM's Fund-Raising Raises P90K for a Worthy Purpose
The GPM volunteers came together to support cause by organizing a fundraising game called Bingo. The game was aimed at raising funds for Liam, a 10-year-old boy who is bravely fighting throat cancer and happens to be the son of one of the GPM employees.
On November 17th, the 14th floor in the Times Plaza building was buzzing with excitement as the GPM volunteers gathered to participate in the game. As the game began, the participants' eyes were glued to their winning cards, hoping to strike it lucky. The mood in the room was electric, with everyone eagerly anticipating the outcome of the game. It was a fun-filled event that brought the GPM volunteers to create a great experience for all.
The event was led by Ma. Cecilia O. Gamos, GPM Head for Human Resources and Shared Services, who said, “Seeing the situation from afar, I could not begin to understand how difficult this was for the family, especially for Liam. In my mind, yes, I can help – but I can only help so much. So, the thought of asking the community to help was born, and the community's response was also overwhelming. As they say – humanity restored. But for now, we can only continue to pray for Liam's healing.”
The event was a huge success, with more than a hundred volunteers participating and a total of P90,000 cash being raised. In addition to what was raised in the bingo, cash donations totaling more than PHP 200,000 were raised for this worthy cause.
It was heartwarming to see the GPM volunteers come together to support one of their own during a challenging time. The event raised funds for Liam's medical expenses and brought the GPM community closer together. Through the power of unity and support, the volunteers gain overwhelming success, demonstrating the MAGSAYSAY values of “We Care.”
Thank You GPM!
For those who wish to offer support to young Liam, please reach out to:
Rachelle Bernardo - GCash 09178022277
Ruth Ezra De Leon - BPI Savings Account 8119-8933-49
Luisa Millene Inciong - Security Bank Savings Account 0000-000-957400