December 17, 2021
GPM Celebrates the Season with Year-End Parties
On December 17, Global Process Manager, Inc. (GPM) celebrated the Christmas Season first with a Magsaysay group-wide Year-End Party at 3 pm; and then the GPM Year-End Party at the Philippine Columbian Association lanai at 5 pm.
The Magsaysay-wide, Kintsugi: Shine Like Gold Year-End Party was a virtual party incidentally aired from the GPM Meeting Rooms 1 and 2. Honored in the annual event were over 50 Loyalty Awardees who have rendered 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 years of service to Magsaysay. Employees of Magsaysay shared their talents as the serenaded the audience with their rendition of Coldplay’s “Fix You”. The highlight of the event was the inspiring message of Magsaysay President and CEO, Doris M. Ho.
After the Magsaysay virtual Year-End Party, the GPM employees scuttled to nearby Philippine Columbian Association for their own Year-End Party. Since not everyone could not be physically present in the venue, a compromised was reached to have a hybrid celebration. Those who could be present were at the outdoor facility and those who can’t make it attended via zoom. Everyone was able to participate in the games and raffles whether live or online. Everyone had a great time. After all, we all celebrated the warmth of the Christmas season as one GPM family.