June 15, 2023
GPM Celebrates 16th Anniversary
On June 15, 2023, Global Process Manager Inc. (GPM) celebrated its anniversary. To commemorate sixteen years of achievement, GPM held a simple event for the employees at the 17th floor of Times Plaza. The event started with a prayer, after which, GPM President, Mr. Erik Nielsen then welcomed the employees for attending the celebration. Mr. Nielsen noted that GPM’s headcount now is four times higher than when he himself joined GPM, and he expressed his profound gratitude to past and present colleagues who have helped achieve important milestones on GPM’s 16-year journey, including the hundreds of employees working on other floors or from home.
In recognition, GPM awarded Values Certificates to exceptional employees from different departments for their outstanding performance. The following individuals received awards: Ms. Daisy Francisco, Ms. Nica Pang, Ms. Janella Manaois, Ms. Lorela Vitto, Ms. Mary Grace Grafil, Ms. Antonette Rey, Ms. Reinalyn Polintan, Ms. Marianne Hilotina, Ms. Gloria Callado, Ms. Lanelle Casey Marcelo, Ms. Christine Jewel Vicente, Mr. Roger Roman De Leon, Ms. Loribelle Teodoro, Ms. Eva Escote, Ms. Rachel Bernardo, Mr. John Paul Gato, and Ms. Ynas Morales for their exemplifying the Magsaysay Values of Excellence, Resilience, Accountability, Enthusiasm, and “We Care”. The recognition of the diligence and selfless dedication of these awardees serve as inspiration to others.
The road ahead will be challenging, but with the Magsaysay Values serving as guidance for us to follow, more fruitful years are in store for GPM.
Congratulations GPM for another successful year!
#GPMLife #HappyAnniversary